Windows 7 "Sticker" Missing
I have purchased a Full Retail version of Windows 7 Ultimate. I have completed a "Clean" install. My previous version was Vista Ultimate and my laptop hada product sticker showing Windows Vista. I want to have a Windows 7 sticker to show that Win 7 is installed on my laptop.I feel that Microsoft should include2 stickers ( one size for laptops and another size for consul PC's).I did purchase one online from Ebay, a poor second choice.Come on Microsoft, after spending $319 you should include the Win 7 stickers.Altoid 666
November 27th, 2009 4:24pm

Why should they start now? They've never done that before. It's always been done on new hardware by the OEM's.MCSE, MCSA, MCDST
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November 27th, 2009 5:34pm

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